Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just Venting

Ok so growing up, I did alot, I mean alot of babysitting. My senior year of High School I nannied for a lady who did hair, and I went to her house everyday, for many of hours. I LOVED babysitting, especially for certain families around the neighborhood. Now I'm not that old but I remember getting payed next to nothing to babysit. One lady paid me about 1.50 per child, so after babysitting for like 6 hours I made about 10 bucks. Cheap?! Very! But nowadays that would not fly.
One of the mistakes I've made as a Mom(one of the many mistakes I've made), is not establishing a relationship with any of the young girls in our neighborhood. I generally dont like to put people out, and that is exactly how I feel when I call someone to tend for us. Now I know that it could be that our kids are a little crazy, and girls dont want to tend them, or it could be that kids get what they want anyway so why have to earn money. Oh well, I have to take and equity line out on my house just to be able to afford to pay them anyway!
My second gripe is I dont expect that they should clean my house. I just dont want to come home to a disaster! Maybe they could just clean up the mess that they made. One of the times I left my kids I swear to you they must have had a food fight, and every toy was out. She had put Mack to bed with a poopy diaper, and didn't put his jammies on, she left him in his denim jeans!
Is it just me or am I asking to much. I guess I feel like I tried just a little harder to please! I dont mean to be rude but I would love to feel like I could call someone, and know that that not only will my house stay intack, but my kids will be well taken care off. Oh wait and that they would appreciate the 5 or so dollars that I pay them!


Lacy said...

I am glad I haven't had to deal with that yet. But that is only because I am a wimp and only have family babysit. Seriously poopy diaper and jeans? That is one mom who didn't teach her daughter anything.

Jana said...

It's SO true! I used to love to babysit too... I was still babysitting up until I got married for one family. Wait, I still babysit for people! :) Anyways, I remember putting together babysitting kits that I would take to the family's house; you know, things to keep the kids entertained. I also made sure the house was clean when they came home. ???? They are hard to come by these days. Find one that you love, pay her good (what is reasonable), and hold on to her. :)

Amanda said...

I feel your pain! I have been lucky to find a girl that I use twice a week and she does a great job. She actually takes Bailey to her house, I've only left Beau a few times but now that he's getting older I'll soon leave him too.

Cami said...
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lramey said...

AMEN SISTA!!!!! I had that exact conversation with some friends the other day! I starter babysitting when I was 10 and would totally clean and everything else- and after 8 hours, if I only got $10 I felt SOOO rich! Ungrateful lil rats!!! Just kidding!!!!well, kind of! It's a different world now that we're all grown up and big eh?

Di and Justin said...

oh my H*#@, I totally my neighborhood people pay so well that the girls have become picky and are almost demanding $5 or more an hour...can you say rape...

emily said...

Um, I second this entire post! We pay our babysitter $13/hour (kill me) and she can't be bothered to put ONE single dish in the dishwasher. EVER. She has also left a trail of popsicle juice from the tv to the couch more than one time. What is with these kids?

Mia said...

Okay, I accept that the cost has gone up. But I totally agree with the ridiculousness of them not fulfilling their end of the bargain (ie: taking care of the kids=taking care of the house and at least keeping it as good or better when you return!) I personally hated babysitting, but when I did, I always did the dishes and made sure everything was clean - I have a personal joy out of cleaning others houses, not my own!

By the way, could you email me your address so I can send you a shower invite? mlblanch[at]asu[dot]edu? Thanks

Ash said...

Well said Shleb. It's crazy how much they expect to be paid huh. I think wow I should start babysitting. I would make good money. I had a similar experience with a diaper.....I was like why is Jaden completely soaked?? The babysitter saying I don't know, I think it's from his drink. He kept wanting more gatorade so I gave it to him....k he was soaked in his pees. Wow!